Project supported by the Bristish Council and the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission.
This project will allow us to send a combination of short term individual and small group EVS volunteers to Everything’s Possible partners in Turkey, Greece and Italy. There they will support the hosting organisations in the fields of Environment and education through sports and outdoor activities. The volunteers will come from varying backgrounds of lesser opportunities, and through the project, will have the chance to explore other cultures, gain new skills in the fields they want to build upon while gaining a real sense of euopean citizenship and intercultural understanding. As suggested by the name of this project, we aim to give the young people we are working with a better chance of inclusion in society, empowering them with new skills and confidence so they have a solid and valuable foundation from which to progress.
- OPEN EVENING, 1st February 2011 (LEEDS):
Around 100 young people attended the 1st February our OPEN EVENING at the Leeds Central Library. During two sessions, our two Mobility Coordinators, Steve (Short Term Project) and Ash (Long Term Project) presented our mobility opportunities, especially the project ''Inclusion for All'' , and more generally the Youth in Action Programme and the support from the European Commission and the Bristish Council.
100 young people attented our OPEN EVENING at the Leeds Central Library. |
The 2nd March, Everything is Possible was at the European Job Day in Newcastle. During this day, the team informed around 200 people about the 'Youth in Action' Programme and presented opportunities through the European Voluntary Service, especially through "Inclusion For All". At the end of the day around 80 persons filled a form to hear more about our projects.
Steve, short term Programmes facilitator, at the European Job Day in Newcastle in February 2011.
- PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN, June-July 2011: around 500 people
In June July 2011, Everything is Possible ran a second promotional campaign to promote new EVS projects through INCLUSION FOR ALL. We created for that 2 documents that we sent to all our local partners (Social workers, libraries, universities, job centres, volunteer centres):
- one interactive leaflet (click on the following mini poster),
- one other printable version.
- Everything is Possible in all the media + third PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN in August 2011 (WEST YORKSHIRE): more than 2000 visits on our website in one hour.
End of August, Everything is Possible was on all the media (Radio, Newspaper, Television) in the Yorkshire to promote our salvage activities at Leeds Festival. The BBC Look North Television did two video reports and invited Clair Brown, Director of Everyhing is Possible for a live interview on their studio. It was for us an indirect way to promote our volunteering projects. It is for this reason that we create for these events a special banner on our home webpage to promote our INCLUSION FOR ALL projects.
When the BBC website and television published their reports, the traffic on our website explosed. More than 2000 people visited our website within one hour before that it litteraly crashed. We know has well that during that time, more than 100 people clicked on the banner linked to a interactive presentation leaflet of our EVS opportunities. This leaflet present the logo of the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission.
- Leeds Connexion's ''Speed Networking'', 20th September 2011 (LEEDS): 100 people
Steve, our short term programmes facilitator was at the Leeds Connexion’s ‘‘Speed Networking’’ event in Leeds, in order to promote our international opportunities through INCLUSION FOR ALL.
- EUROPEAN JOB DAY, 9th November 2011 (MANCHESTER):
The 9th November 2011, Everything is Possible was at the European Job Day in Manchester (event hosted by EURES UK). One of our former short term volunteer joined us to share its experience. During this day, the team informed around 150 people about the Youth in Action Programme and presented opportunities through the European Voluntary Service, especially through INCLUSION FOR ALL. At the end of the day around 65 persons filled a form to hear more about our projects.
- NEW YEAR NEW START, 25th January 2012 (LEEDS):
The 25th January 2012, Everything is Possible was a the event ''New Year, New Start'', organised by Europe Direct and the Leeds Library. During this day we met around 50 young people and social workers and presented our 'Inclusion For All' EVS projects, and acknowledged the support of the British Council and the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission.
Regarding the promotion of this event, the Probation Service’s ‘Community Payback’ scheme has finished leaflets door to door in an area that covers approximately 6,500 households, according to the Leeds Library. Local schools have been provided with leaflets for their pupils to take home. Library members, for some of whom we have emails, have been emailed. Previous users of the Library’s Jobseekers advice service as well as local community groups have been emailed. The event's webpage has had over 1100 hits so far.
- Your Story Event, 30th June 2011 (BIRMINGHAM): 150 people
The 30th June, Everything is Possible was invited to share its experience at the Your story Event. This conference organised by ECORYS UK and the Bristish Council was the occasion for partners and volunteers from the UK and abroad to share good practice and their experience through both the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning Programme.
Clair Brown, co-founder of Everything is Possible first presented the activities of the organisation and our project through both the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes.
We presented as well videos showing our EVS volunteers in their project in front of 150 people.
Ex-volunteers involved: Then, Clair Brown was joined by some of our young participants who have taken part in Leonardo, Grundtvig and Youth in Action projects to testify.
The afternoon, Clair Brown sat on the panel for the Question Time.
Dissemination material:
- EY 2011 Volunteers event, 13th October 2011 (DURHAM): 40 professionals and 40 young people.
Everything is Possible took part in the EY 2011 Volunteers event organised by Europe Direct in North East England in Durham, on the Thursday, 13th October. During this project, Clair Brown director of everything is Possible shared her experience on INCLUSION FOR ALL. We also invited volunteers to join us.
- OPEN DAY - European Opportunities Abroad, 8th May 2012 (LEEDS):70 young people.
There are many international opportunities funded by the European Commission (Volunteering, Training, Workshop, etc), but few are known by the public. For this reason, Everything is Possible and Europe Direct decided to celebrate the European Day by sharing these international opportunities during an Open Day on the 9th May at the Leeds Central Library.
We prepared an open market from 13.00 to 19.00 where people discovered, European opportunities abroad. Everything is Possible volunteering and training projects were discuss with the public. Former volunteers were there as well to share their experience.
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Ash and Raphael were helped by one of our short term volunteer at the European Job Day in Manchester. |
- NEW YEAR NEW START, 25th January 2012 (LEEDS):
Regarding the promotion of this event, the Probation Service’s ‘Community Payback’ scheme has finished leaflets door to door in an area that covers approximately 6,500 households, according to the Leeds Library. Local schools have been provided with leaflets for their pupils to take home. Library members, for some of whom we have emails, have been emailed. Previous users of the Library’s Jobseekers advice service as well as local community groups have been emailed. The event's webpage has had over 1100 hits so far.
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Raphael presenting our EVS projects. |
- Your Story Event, 30th June 2011 (BIRMINGHAM): 150 people
The 30th June, Everything is Possible was invited to share its experience at the Your story Event. This conference organised by ECORYS UK and the Bristish Council was the occasion for partners and volunteers from the UK and abroad to share good practice and their experience through both the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning Programme.
Clair Brown, co-founder of Everything is Possible first presented the activities of the organisation and our project through both the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes.
We presented as well videos showing our EVS volunteers in their project in front of 150 people.
Ex-volunteers involved: Then, Clair Brown was joined by some of our young participants who have taken part in Leonardo, Grundtvig and Youth in Action projects to testify.
The afternoon, Clair Brown sat on the panel for the Question Time.
Dissemination material:
For this event, we created and distributed 150 DVDs and booklets with Videos/Testimonies of the different projects we ran through the Youth in Action Programmes.
Everything is Possible took part in the EY 2011 Volunteers event organised by Europe Direct in North East England in Durham, on the Thursday, 13th October. During this project, Clair Brown director of everything is Possible shared her experience on INCLUSION FOR ALL. We also invited volunteers to join us.
There are many international opportunities funded by the European Commission (Volunteering, Training, Workshop, etc), but few are known by the public. For this reason, Everything is Possible and Europe Direct decided to celebrate the European Day by sharing these international opportunities during an Open Day on the 9th May at the Leeds Central Library.
We prepared an open market from 13.00 to 19.00 where people discovered, European opportunities abroad. Everything is Possible volunteering and training projects were discuss with the public. Former volunteers were there as well to share their experience.
We also ran two info sessions during which we presented volunteering and training projects overseas, using testimonies written by volunteer who undertook a project through INCLUSION FOR ALL.
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Logo of Inclusion For All |
Around 70 young people came during this day and nearly 30 expressed an interest to learn more about the volunteering and training projects.
Coming Wednesday 16th May, Everything is Possible with the support of Leeds Direct organised at the Leeds Central Library a second session with 20 of this young people interested by a short term projects. The following weekend we organised another meeting for those who want to do a long term project.
Associazione Culturale Link (ITALY):- Testimony from Eleni, short term EVS volunteer in Italy
Antged (TURKEY):
- "I enjoyed every bit of it!", Nieka, Short Term EVS, in Turkey.
- ''My EVS project in Turkey'' by Adam (Bradford).
Orfeas (GREECE):
- Jamie, Short Term EVS volunteer in Greece.
- ''I have just returned from a month volunteering in Greece'' by Luke.
- Testimony from Ashley, EVS Short Term volunteer in Greece, click here.
Filoxenia (GREECE):
- One month with John, short term EVS volunteer in Greece: Third Week.
- One month with John, short term EVS volunteer in Greece: 2nd Week.
- One month with John, short term EVS volunteer in Greece: 1st Week.
- TESTIMONY from Charlotte, volunteer in Greece (Short Term EVS).