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Logo created with the help of our Short Term volunteer Josué Martin Arranz. |
This particular project Creative Inclusion focuses specifically but not exclusively on creative projects including youth with fewer opportunities. Creative Inclusion will mobilise 70 volunteers between 12 countries and 4 continents. 50 of these will be young people with fewer opportunituies experiencing significant obstacles in their lives, such as time spent in prison, and substance misuse, those living below the poverty line or being a young parent.
We have taken advantage of the European theme of 2009 to increase our creative possibilities for this target group as well as offering hosting placements in the UK for all young adults regardless of their support needs, by adapting our short-term host projects to include more creative activities and re-enstating two expired arts projects which we co-ordinate.
The project will allow volunteer mobility across Europe, Africa, Caribbean and Asia and will introduce new partners to EVS as well as allowing Everything’s Possible to continue building relationships with existing partners. For the last ten years, Everything’s Possible staff have been co-operating with partners, through EVS, Youth and Youth in Action. Over the previous two years we have widened participation by increasing opportunities to target groups of young people with fewer opportunities, creating both sending & hosting placements under the banner of EVS.
- PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN, January 2010 (Yorkshire): more than 2000.In January 2012, we ran a large promotion. We displayed large posters in public places (such as Libraries, Universities, Pubs), we posted some in mailboxes in student areas and send it to our local partners working with young people the most excluded. One member of our team went also middle of January on an university radio called ‘’ Bradford Community Broadcasting’’ to advertise the Open Day. We estimate that more than 2000 people have been informed
- OPEN Day, 1st February 2010 (LEEDS): more than 150 people
- OPEN Day, 1st February 2010 (LEEDS): more than 150 people
We organised our first open Day for this project the 1st February 2010 with the presence of our international partners from Jamaica and India at the Carriageworks Theater (Leeds, UK). The aim of this day was to present the EVS projects through CREATIVE INCLUSION but also the ‘Youth in Action’ programme. We offered for young people (especially young people with fewer opportunities) and our local/national partners the opportunity to meet our international hosting partners involved. A room was dedicating to the international partners which displayed on a stand their own info documents.

In another room, the team of Everything is Possible was presenting CI, the projects in The Gambia and Ghana, the European Voluntary Service, the ‘Youth in Action’ Programme and other european programmes (as the Life Long Learning Programme). We met there some of the volunteers who did after an EVS through CI. Europe Direct was present and distributed documents about the european programmes.
Around 150 people came to this Open Day.

In January 2011, Everything is Possible ran a promotional campaign about our mobility projects through CREATIVE INCLUSION. We created a special poster that we sent to local partners (job centres, universities, social workers, libraries, volunteers centres). This campaign has been a success as 100 young people came to our Open evening the 1st February 2011 in Leeds.
- OPEN EVENING, 1st February 2011 (LEEDS): 100 people
Around 100 young people attended the 1st February our OPEN EVENING at the Leeds Central Library. During two sessions, our two Mobility Coordinators, Steve (Short Term Project) and Ash (Long Term Project) presented our mobility opportunities through CREATIVE INCLUSION and more generally the Youth in Action Programme and explained the support from the European Commission and the Bristish Council.
- EUROPEAN JOB DAY, 2nd March 2011 (NEWCASTLE): 200 people
The 2nd March, Everything is Possible was at the European Job Day in Newcastle. During this day, the team informed around 200 people about both the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning Programmes and presented our EVS opportunities through CI. At the end of the day around 80 persons filled a form to hear more about our projects.
- Your Story Event, 30th June 2011 (BIRMINGHAM): 150 people
The 30th June, Everything is Possible was invited to share its experience at the Your story Event. This conference organised by ECORYS UK and the Bristish Council was the occasion for partners and volunteers from the UK and abroad to share good practice and their experience through both the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning Programme.
Clair Brown, co-founder of Everything is Possible first presented the activities of the organisation and our project through both the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes.
We presented as well videos showing our EVS volunteers in their project in front of 150 people.
VIDEO OF CREATIVE INCLUSION (Project in India) shown: During this event we shown to the 150 people present the video of the Creative Inclusion Indian Project.
The afternoon, Clair Brown sat on the panel for the Question Time.
Dissemination material:
For this event, we created and distributed 150 DVDs and booklets with Videos/Testimonies of the different projects we ran through the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action Programmes. The video of the Creative Inclusion Indian Project was integrate into this DVD.
- PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN, June-July 2011: around 500 people
In June July 2011, Everything is Possible ran a second promotional campaign to promote new EVS projects through CREATIVE INCLUSION. We created 2 documents that we sent to all our local partners (Social workers, libraries, universities, job centres, volunteer centres):
- one interactive leaflet (click on the following mini poster),
- one other printable version.
- Everything is Possible in all the media + third PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN in August 2011 (WEST YORKSHIRE): more than 2000 visits on our website in one hour.
End of August, Everything is Possible was on all the media (Radio, Newspaper, Television) in the Yorkshire to promote our salvage activities at Leeds Festival. The BBC Look North Television did two video reports and invited Clair Brown, Director of Everyhing is Possible for a live interview on their studio. It was for us an indirect way to promote our volunteering projects. It is for this reason that we create for these events a special banner on our home webpage to promote our CI projects:
When the BBC website and television published their reports, the traffic on our website explosed. More than 2000 people visited our website within one hour before that it litteraly crashed. We know has well that during that time, more than 100 people clicked on the banner linked to a interactive presentation leaflet of our Jamaica project through CREATIVE INCLUSION. This leaflet present the logo of the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission.
- Leeds Connexion's ''Speed Networking'', 20th September 2011 (LEEDS): 100 people
Steve, our short term programmes facilitator was at the Leeds Connexion’s ‘‘Speed Networking’’ event in Leeds, in order to promote our international opportunities through CI and both the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission.
- EY 2011 Volunteers event, 13th October 2011 (DURHAM): 40 professionals and 40 young people.
Everything is Possible took part in the EY 2011 Volunteers event organised by Europe Direct in North East England in Durham, on the Thursday, 13th October. During this project, Clair Brown director of everything is Possible presented the video ''CREATIVE INCLUSION Indian Project". We also invited volunteers to join us.
- EUROPEAN JOB DAY, 9th November 2011 (MANCHESTER): 150 people
- YOUR STORY competition, 24th November (LONDON): 100 peopleEverything is Possible took part in the EY 2011 Volunteers event organised by Europe Direct in North East England in Durham, on the Thursday, 13th October. During this project, Clair Brown director of everything is Possible presented the video ''CREATIVE INCLUSION Indian Project". We also invited volunteers to join us.
- EUROPEAN JOB DAY, 9th November 2011 (MANCHESTER): 150 people
The 9th November 2011, Everything is Possible was at the European Job Day in Manchester (event hosted by EURES UK). During this day, the team informed around 150 people about both the Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning Programmes and presented opportunities through the European Voluntary Service and Leonardo, using testimonies, pictures and video from our volunteers which did an EVS through CREATIVE INCLUSION. At the end of the day around 65 persons filled a form to hear more about our projects. One of our former short term volunteer joined us to share its experience.
During the day we presented the Creative Inclusion Indian Project video.
We were helped by one of our EVS volunteers who undertook a EVS project in India through CREATIVE INCLUSION to share her experience to the 150 people which visited our stand.
During the day we presented the Creative Inclusion Indian Project video.
We were helped by one of our EVS volunteers who undertook a EVS project in India through CREATIVE INCLUSION to share her experience to the 150 people which visited our stand.
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Ash and Raphael were helped by one of our short term volunteer at the European Job Day in Manchester. |
The 24th November 2011, Everything is Possible staff came at the British Council London offices to support two of its volunteers who won the Your Story Prize Awards Event organised by the Bristish Council and Ecorys UK. This event was the occasion to share our experience of CREATIVE INCLUSION.
- ''VOLUNTEERING ABROAD'' event, 5th December (LONDON): 100 people.
The 5th November 2011, Everything is Possible Short Term Coordinator was at the British Council London to present his volunteering and professional journey. He also explained the support from Everything is Possible to send the short term volunteers through CREATIVE INCLUSION.
During that event, our two short term volunteers Chaime and Maz helped by their support worker Janet Beech presented to the 100 professionals and young people their EVS in Jamaica through CREATIVE INCLUSION.
This event was the Premiere of our CREATIVE INCLUSION Jamaican Project VIDEO.
- Everything is Possible GREETING CARD, Dec2011-Jan2012 (WORLDWIDE DISSEMINATION): over 650 people.
To celebrate the New Year, Everything is Possible created an interactive Greeting Card, which invited people to look back at all the big EP 2011 moments and discover CREATIVE INCLUSION as well as the video : CREATIVE INCLUSION Jamaican Project.
More than 650 watched the Greeting Card. They were from
India, United Kingdom, United States, France, Italy, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Spain, Serbia, Thailand, Romania, Hungary, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Canada, Hong Kong, Philippines, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Kuwait, Malaysia, Greece, Albania, Australia, Uruguay, Slovakia, Croatia, South Africa, Brazil, Latvia, Peru, Pakistan, Czech Republic, Argentina, Indonesia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Jordan Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic, Costa Rica, Finland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Qatar, Portugal, Taiwan, New Zealand, Malta, Armenia, Guernsey, Cyprus, Morocco, Ireland, Montenegro, Oman, Jamaica, Norway, Kazakhstan, Sweden, Austria.
- TESTIMONY from Lisa Wilson, actually Long Term volunteer in India.
- Discover the VIDEO of our project in INDIA and the testimonies of Rebbecca and Lauren, click here.
- TESTIMONY from Rebecca (one month project in INDIA), click here.
- TESTIMONY from Lauren (one month project in INDIA), click here.
- TESTIMONY from Lisa Wilson, actually Long Term volunteer in India.
- Discover the VIDEO of our project in INDIA and the testimonies of Rebbecca and Lauren, click here.
- TESTIMONY from Rebecca (one month project in INDIA), click here.
- TESTIMONY from Lauren (one month project in INDIA), click here.
- News from Paul, our volunteer in Jamaica.
- Read a new extract from Paul's blog, long term volunteer in Jamaica, click here.
- ''Rain, rain and my first day at school'' extract from Paul's blog, volunteer in Jamaica, click here.
- ''Extended Family'' by Alex, Long Term Volunteer in Gambia.
LINKS to partners websites/documents:
- Caxton Youth Organisation: http://www.caxtonyouth.org/news/maz-and-chaimaes-amazing-adventure/
LINKS to partners websites/documents:
- Caxton Youth Organisation: http://www.caxtonyouth.org/news/maz-and-chaimaes-amazing-adventure/