30 degrees 24 hours per day, November, the Caribbean... Here we are!
Hello everybody! We are back again with our adventures from the Caribbean!
This week in our project we have been taking care of our lovely donkeys, the same as last week but unfortunately, Faith, a female donkey has been sick so we have been assisting the veterinary on his job.
However, our job have been focused into Philips Animal Garden, where we have been making a lot of progress with the animals there. Our routine during this week has eventually become much easier than last week, as we are more confident feeding and cleaning the water pots. That is one of the most difficult tasks we have been assigned due to the risk of being bitted by a huge parrot, for example. Also this week we fed a Piton snake (with an alive chicken, in a box) longer than 18 feet . Overall, the job on Philips is very hard although we are doing pretty well following the instructions of our trainer Juan Pablo aka “Chiquito”.
Even waking up every day during the week at 6:30 am, we still had energy to do something else after working. Every afternoon we come to the apartment to prepare our lunch, as Aruban restaurants are usually expensive and we are trying to save some money. This does not mean we had not tried local food few times, but the everyday meals we do this way. For instance, we were in a fisherman’s restaurant called Zee Rover, where you can enjoy the freshest fish on the island. This is an unusual place, where they offer you what they have fished that day. Then you buy it by weight and they prepare it deliciously with fried banana, chips or spicy onion.
During our free time, we continued exploring the island and discovering new amazing places. Last days, we have been snorkeling in some of the reefs and beaches around the island, what it is a unique sensation due to the diversity of the sea life and the dreamy views under the ocean. We were so impressed with it that we have decided to make the Open Water scuba course to fully enjoy the Aruban sea views. Another great part of the trip, is to be delighted by the sunset on the beach, something we do everyday.
Also, this weekend we went to discover the nightlife of the island, as the previous weekend we were so tired to do it. Aruba has two different ambiences, the touristic and local ones. The first one is in big clubs with lots of foreign people and commercial music, and the second ones are smaller pubs (and cheaper as well) where you can find many Aruban people really nice and talkative. Both ambiences are really good but also very different which give you a wide range to choose.
Eva: ''This cute baby donkey was born today!!! :)''. |
We forgot to mention that Aruban mosquitos are in love with our blood... they are not dangerous but neither nice at all! Anyway, we will survive! They don’t bite you under the sea!
Adrián and Eva, short term Leonardo Trainees.
Project part of Empowered From Within
Project part of Empowered From Within
and supported by ECORYS UK
and the Lifelong Learning Programme
of the European Commission.
of the European Commission.