Voila: our second installment from La Reunion! Somewhat late, perhaps due to the local "Broadband" internet connection. The cable running out of shot to the left runs up a telegraph pole.
On arrival at Mission Locale Sud office in Saint Pierre we were surprised to learn that we would in fact be spending the week in the Saint Joseph office an hours bus ride along the coast. Although the team were almost as surprised at our arrival as us, they were extremely welcoming, and spent the first day enthusiastically planning the rest of the weeks programme with us. This included a much appreciated lesson in French and Creole, a meeting with the youth commitee, a visit to nearby Mannapany beach with the youths from Mission Locale, a senior citizens sports club and an amazing trip to see volcanic lava. We were very grateful to be given the opportunity to give our input into the planning of the programme and we were able to suggest, prepare and execute a workshop for an afternoon focussed on interview techniques and language.
On our day in Mannapany we sampled homemade local food and typical Reunion Island products. After introducing ourselves to the group...in french (!) we took part in language games and spent the afternoon getting to know members of the youth commitee. It was a really good opportunity to use our improving French skills and also provided the youths with a chance to speak English.
The beautiful bay of Mannapany, home to an annual surf festival, though the waves were a little ferocious to attempt any surfing whilst we were there!
Staff and Comitee Jeunes members from St.Joseph.
We role played a job interview situation in our workshop which forced participants to think about how to prepare for the real thing. Here Dave oversees an interview running in English after sweating through his own scenario in French!
... I dont think Amy got the job.
Amy and David, short term Leonardo Trainees.
Project part of Gaining Through Training
and supported by ECORYS UK
and the Lifelong Learning Programme
of the European Commission.