From the 23th to 27th of April it was the “Art Week” in Thorner School. The students work hardly every day during the school year so Mss Byrne decided to organise one week in which the activities for the kids were only crafts.
The class where I am is “Ash class” and it’s in Reception. They are four and five years old and they love making crafts. Our activities for that week were about the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The first day, on Monday, we worked the SPRING starting the day reading the book “ The tiny seed“. The proposed activities were making flowers baskets with different kinds of papers and stickers, looking real flowers and painting them on a card, using the computers to make fireworks and some writing. Besides, the children could play with whatever they wanted and we could find some of them dressing up or playing with barbies.
The second day, on Tuesday, we worked the SUMMER with a special book; a holiday scrap book from Mss Byrne son. It was about the holidays they had in the summer of 2010. The children enjoyed reading the book and looking the pictures.
The activities they made were making suns with paints and wool, making a poster with different flowers, making the rainbow with different materials such as paints, papers balls and glitter, painting symmetrical butterflies, and some writing too. Besides, they had some free play.

The last day we made pottery to make symbols about all the seasons: butterflies and flowers for the spring, icecreams and suns for the summer, hedgehogs and rabbits for autumn, and snowmen for winter. Can you recognise them in the picture? It’s a mystery where they are!
Mayra Oreste Armendáriz
Long Term EVS Volunteer in the UK
and supported by the British Council
and the Youth in Action programme of the European Union.
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