¿Who said it rains everyday in England? That person wasn’t on the wrong way but there is one aspect that I’d add: here you can find the four seasons everyday!!

You can get up, look through the window and decide, seeing the blue sky, to wear the spring trousers and pumps that you have in your wardrobe from a long time ago. Smiling because of the sun you go to work. There, all the people are surprised (like you) and speaking about the good weather and remind you that it’s not usual… However, you can see that you are the only one who is wearing spring clothes. Yes, only you because the other people wear summer clothes! Like sandals and shorts (typical English people).
It’s time to go home after working and when you go out from the office you realise where you are: you have you feet wet because of a pond… Yes, it’s windy and raining and you have to walk through the main road without umbrella, a proper coat and your wet feet… And the worst is when you walk next to Primark and you can read: “It’s summer, let’s buy new clothes!”… Summer?? In April?? In England?? What a lie!
When you arrive at home, completely wet, your flatmates invite you to go to a pub and drink a beer. So you put your rain shoes and your raincoat on, take your umbrella, and before going out you see the rest of the people are wearing spring clothes! As a good friend as you are, you suggest them changing their clothes, but they don’t want to. When you go out, unexpectedly, the clouds go away and the sun comes again. Of course you prefer the good weather but not when you have as many layers as an onion! Your flatmates laugh at you and say that you are exaggerating, so you start believing it. But while you are going home after the beers (of course it couldn’t be only one) it starts snowing. Fortunately you are prepared for the snow but your flatmates aren’t, so they decide to walk next to you under your umbrella but it’s impossible because it’s from “One Pound” shop and it’s too small! With a smile on your face you say to them: “I think you are the ones who are exaggerating, remember we are not in Spain!”
Because of this I want to give you some advice: wear winter clothes every morning, take a big bag with you and carry your spring shoes, shorts, a t-shirt and sunglasses with you! And don’t forget the sun cream! ;) "
Mayra Oreste Armendáriz
Long Term EVS Volunteer in the UK
and supported by the British Council
and the Youth in Action programme of the European Union.
For more information about ACTIVE EUROPEAN YOUTHS, please click here: http://volunteersturnupthevolume.blogspot.co.uk/p/active-european-youth.html