Hi my name is Julie. I am 28 years old. I live in Skipton. I don't work. I am on income support. I have never been abroad before or ever flow before. I went to Norway for 2 weeks with the Leonardo project.
All our Leonardo Trainees group with Adnan, their hosting tutor. |
In my project, we worked on a farm and in the forest. These included work like
- chopping up wood,
- milking cows,
- cleaning them,
- picking eggs,
- shovelling poo into a wheel barrow
- shovelling gravel,
- taking nails out of wood,
- stocking wood onto piles of other wood,
- making a trench,
- working in the bakery.
The food was great. Everything was organic and home made. It was all really nice and taste beautifull. The rooms were nice and clean and the beds were really confortable.
During our free time we went bowling, bike riding, went for a hike up a big mountain, had football matches, play lazer quest, watch DVD's, play card games.
I learn about myself and other people how to be more confident, independent, trusting other people seeing the different way's other people live and the different cultures.
I would recommend this experience and I want to go back to Norway or somewhere else. I would like to live here some day. It's like a new world. No pressure, or stress : everybody's so lay back.
After I've done my EVS, I would like to do more traveling and hopefully get a job abroad or working on a plane beeing a steward or a air hostess.
Julie, Short Term Leonardo trainee in Sweden.
Project part of Gaining Through Training
and supported by ECORYS UK
and the Lifelong Learning Programme
of the European Commission.