Thursday 21 July 2011

Testimony from Natasha, UK participant in our Gruntvig Learner Workshop ''Exchanging Dreams''

Read a short testimony from Natasha, UK participant in our Grundtvig Learner Workshop ‘’Exchanging Dreams’’. This project has been organised by Everything is Possible and supported by ECORYS and the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Natasha taking pictures at the Leeds City Museum

‘’I’m really proud of my film because I just enjoy editing and I’m hoping to do this at some point in the future.’’

''This morning we came to a radio station, then we plan about what we will talk about. We talked about politics and underage like young people being unemployed underage and this stuff. And we also talked how young people in UK would gain more money and how does that work and how it is different in other countries. And we did it with two people from Hungary so we had two sides to the stories. And it was really scaring, so I don’t think I want to do it again. I liked it but I was really nervous. I’m not a big speaker anyway.

Natasha during the video editing workshop at Lifeforce productions
My favourite workshop was the editing workshop. During the workshop we have taken all the clips that people have recorded and we put them together in short film and we add edited music and transitions and at the end of the week all the films got presented . And I’m really proud of my film because I just enjoy editing and I’m hoping to do this at some point in the future.''

Video created by Natasha during the video editing workshop:

Watch as well the video of the Grundtvig Learner Workshop: